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What Are the Types of Dyslexia?


Categorizing types of dyslexia into clearly defined subsets and sets are tough. Dyslexia is a condition that is quite individualized in its severity and symptoms. To further complicate a diagnosis, dyslexia can be accompanied by other conditions like ADHD. The reader should recall that having one of these kinds of dyslexia does not mean other kinds of issues may not be present.

Dyslexia is a type of dyslexia which is used to refer to a dysfunction of the brain’s left side. Will struggle with spelling, reading, and writing, in a variety of degrees. Principal dyslexia has been determined to be hereditary. This condition appears to be more prevalent in boys.

Secondary dyslexia, or “developmental dyslexia,” is considered to be brought on by the hormonal development of the fetus during pregnancy. This type of dyslexia is thought to be highly treatable and has a fantastic chance of going away as the child grows and even lessening. It is more common in boys.

One of the types of dyslexia is trauma dyslexia. This usually occurs after some form of brain injury. This was the symptom that resulted in dyslexia research being started back in the 1860s. Mostly, although it’s still found today in adults who have suffered brain trauma and is rarely present.

It is important to realize that these are considered “causes” for the different types of dyslexia. Listed below are the symptoms, or forms, brought on by the above causes.

Visual dyslexia is the result of the development of the vision process. This may be that the eyes are not completely developed or have a flaw. The eyes will send information that is incomplete to the brain’s center. This misinformation is then wrongly interpreted by the mind. This may result in problems with reading and writing.

Phonological dyslexia-or auditory dyslexia-is visual dyslexia in many ways’ hearing edition. However, a more serious illness called Processing Disorder may exist. This type of dyslexia makes it hard for the individual to understand sounds words. Sentences may be jumbled and hard to understand.

Dyspraxia relates to difficulty with motor integration. The child will have coordination issues and will often be considered as being “just clumsy.” Sufferers may have problems with language, coordinated idea, and perception. Sometimes a child might outgrow this.

Dysgraphia is among the types of dyslexia that have a very substantial effect on education. This sort of dyslexia refers an immaturity in fine motor skills that make holding a pen and writing difficult. Often the student’s handwriting will be illegible. With training and assistance, advancement can be made.

Probably the types of dyslexia are dyscalculia-or number dyslexia. People with dyscalculia will have problems grasping abstract math concepts and performing simple math functions. Many times, people with dyscalculia will have difficulties with time, measurement, and spatial reasoning. Because it is the least known of all of the different kinds of dyslexia, it often goes unnoticed.

Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of how most types of dyslexia are categorized. Types of dyslexia will have different effects on the sufferer. While there are variations of dyslexia in varying degrees, it’s a good idea.